Customize your business.

Customize your life.

“An entrepreneur is an innovator, a job creator, a game-changer, a business leader, a disruptor, an adventurer.”

— Richard Branson, Virgin Group

About Us

We build businesses for ourselves but not by ourselves.

Our mission is to identify individuals with untapped potential and to provide them with the opportunity to build a business of their own.

We started on this journey in the beautiful metropolitan city of Seattle, WA. Ambitious and driven, we leveraged the scalability of e-commerce to expand rapidly across the United States and Canada.

To scale our business, we connect and form a great network of entrepreneurs who share our Six Core Values:

  1. Partnership,

  2. Integrity,

  3. Personal Worth,

  4. Achievement,

  5. Personal Responsibility, and

  6. Free Enterprise.


The internet marketplace is growing at an unprecedented rate.

In 2025, total consumer e-commerce sales are projected to surpass $7.3 trillion.

In 2025, e-commerce sales in the United States alone are projected to surpass $1.3 trillion.

96% of US consumers with access to a computer have made an online purchase.

We are leaders in identifying online trends early in their life cycle, allowing companies to attain maximum profitability for the duration of the market cycle.

sources:, Statista,

Knowing where the market is going is one thing. Capitalizing on that knowledge is another.

Areas of Practice

  • As consumers continue to transition their buying power to the online marketplace, companies that have the greatest strategic position are poised to capture the largest share. E-commerce has helped businesses establish a larger market presence by providing lower overhead costs and more efficient distribution channels for their products and services.

  • We partner with suppliers and Fortune 500 companies to increase their market base by leveraging several key concepts, including social networking and profit-sharing. These partnerships allow for mutual success that would not otherwise be possible.

  • We empower others to build successful independent businesses, providing education and mentorship to an association of successful business leaders across North America. We recognize that the potential of individuals is often limited by the scope of their financial education and business knowledge. As such, we enable others by removing those barriers.

  • Unlike the traditional business model of companies hiring employees to produce and increase the volume of products to consumers, we leverage peer-to-peer (P2P) activity to acquire, provide, and share access to goods and services. We are part of the rise of the Peer-to-Peer Economy and Sharing Economy.

“If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs.”


— Tony Gaskins, Life Coach

Build Your Own Business

It all begins with a desire to achieve more and a willingness to do more.

Most Americans solely rely on a single active source of income. That’s not enough. We create opportunities for people to diversify, generating earnings from multiple areas by equipping them to use their time to conduct their own businesses. By building your own business, you can create ongoing income: earning new financial choices and improving your lifestyle.